Online Format JSON String

1. `JSON.parse()`: The `JSON.parse()` function is used to parse a JSON string and convert it into a JavaScript object or value.

2. `JSON.stringify()`: The `JSON.stringify()` function is used to convert a JavaScript object or value into a JSON string. When combined with the `null` and `4` arguments, it formats the JSON string with indentation for improved readability.

By combining `JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(inputString), null, 4)`, you can take a JSON string, parse it into a JavaScript object using `JSON.parse()`, and then convert it back to a formatted JSON string using `JSON.stringify()`.

This combination is useful when you want to format a JSON string with proper indentation for better readability.

For more information on `JSON.stringify()` and `JSON.parse()`, you can refer to the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) documentation: